How to Use WebP Images in WordPress?

Post Views: 2 Webp images are not allowed to WordPress media library with default setting. To enable the .webp format use the following code block in your functions.php file inside the theme folder. /* Enable webp image support for media */ function webp_upload_mimes(...

How to style second last items in a list?

Post Views: 7 Please use following CSS syntax to style the second last element in a list or group. <style> .list-number-123 { list-style: none; } .list-number-123 li:nth-last-child(2) { background: #edeaea; color: #30a960; font-weight: 700; padding: 10px; }...

How to extend number of DIVI columns (more than 6)?

Post Views: 4 Step 01: Include the below CSS to theme options /* Custom Columns */ .ten-columns .et_pb_module {width: 10%; float: left;} .nine-columns .et_pb_module {width: 11.11%; float: left;} .eight-columns .et_pb_module {width: 12.5%; float: left;} .seven-columns...